Conducted in November and December 2020, the Eurobarometer survey commissioned by the EP polled citizens about their views on the EU and EP in particular, in …


widespread, by respondents to the Eurobarometer 2012 and the EU LGBT survey 2012 (%).. 53 Figure 31: Prevalence of violence in the preceding five years and in the preceding 12 months (%) .. 56 Figure 32: Prevalence of violence in the preceding five years and in the preceding 12 months,

Eurobarometer is a series of multi-topic, pan-European surveys undertaken for the European Commission since 1970, covering attitudes towards European integration, policies, institutions, social conditions, health, culture, the economy, citizenship, security, information technology, the environment and other topics. Eurobarometer surveys allow for monitoring the evolution of public opinion in the EU member states, which helps the European Commission with decision making and in the evaluation of its work. Eurobarometer data are also often cited by mass media and are used by research scholars in communication, public opinion, and political science. The Standard Eurobarometer was established in 1974.

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Epub 2016 Sep 21. Nov 16, 2010 November 2010: Eurobarometer, the public opinion analysis sector of the European Commission, published a summary of a survey on life  Mar 22, 2011 This Flash Eurobarometer survey on “The Rights of the Child” (No 273) requested by the Directorate General for Justice, Freedom and Security,  Jul 17, 2020 The latest Eurobarometer survey on corruption in EU Member States, published by the European Commission, is a stark reminder of how  Jul 1, 2008 The last three waves of the Standard Eurobarometer (EB67-69) have seen significant shifts in European public opinion, including a peak in  HM Inspectorate of Probation. Academic Insights 2019/06. Innovation in probation: The Eurobarometer on.

Eurobarometer. European Commission service monitoring public opinion in the Member States. The surveys and studies address major topics concerning 

Over half (54%) of current and former smokers began smoking before the age of 18. In the new Eurobarometer conducted in July and August, concern about the economic situation is reflected in the perception of the current state of the economy.

Sep 30, 2017 A Eurobarometer survey was carried out in the 28 Member States of the European Union in March 2017 on the topic of climate change.

aastast. Eurobaromeetri uuringud võimaldavad võrrelda kõigi ELi liikmesmaades domineerivaid hoiakuid. The European Commission has released the Eurobarometer report on work-life balance, which includes many well-known (and less well-known) facts about work-life balance, or lack thereof, for workers in Europe. The numbers for paternity leave show that less than half of men have either taken or are thinking about taking it.The main reason for not taking is that they cannot afford it.


Each survey consists of approximately 1000 face-to-face interviews per country. Reports are published twice yearly. Reproduction is authorised, except for commercial purposes, provided the source is acknowledged.


Their views are summarized in this vid 2021-03-09 2017-04-12 Intermittently special Eurobarometer modules extensively address topics, such as environment, science and technology, health or family issues, social or ethnic exclusion, quality of life etc. The “European Communities Studies” 1970-1973 can be considered forerunner studies, as well the “Attitudes towards Europe” from 1962. 2 days ago The Parlemeter is an annual Eurobarometer survey commissioned by the European Parliament in all EU Member States since 2007. It focuses on Europeans’ views of the European Parliament. The surveys measure Parliament’s public image and role, and how much citizens know about it.

2018-12-13 26,836 citizens in 27 EU Member States have been interviewed for the latest Eurobarometer survey on the Single Market. Their views are summarized in this vid 2021-03-09 2017-04-12 Intermittently special Eurobarometer modules extensively address topics, such as environment, science and technology, health or family issues, social or ethnic exclusion, quality of life etc. The “European Communities Studies” 1970-1973 can be considered forerunner studies, as well the “Attitudes towards Europe” from 1962. 2 days ago The Parlemeter is an annual Eurobarometer survey commissioned by the European Parliament in all EU Member States since 2007.
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The aim of this Special Eurobarometer survey is to understand EU citizens’ awareness, experiences and perceptions of cyber security. It is partly based on four previous surveys, the Special Eurobarometer EB480 “Internet security” (EB90.2, November 2018), Special Eurobarometer 464a on “Cyber security” (EB 87.4, June 2017), the Special Eurobarometer 423 on “Cyber security” (EB82.2

Log in. Search Homophobia is on the rise in Hungary. According to a new survey by the Eurobarometer, most Hungarians are extremely dismissive of LBGTI people, and the rate has greatly increased over the last few years. This attitude is consistent across most issues connected with LGBTI rights, and it … Special Eurobarometer: Right to move and reside freely in the EU and right to good administration are the most important citizens' rights Press release no. 14/2011 - Date Thursday | 07 July 2011 For 48% of European citizens, the right to move and reside freely in the European Union is … The Eurobarometer study of almost 28 000 people in 28 countries shows that 65 % are concerned about being exposed to hazardous chemicals, 26% were very concerned, and 39% were a little concerned. European Food Safety Authority | Trusted science for safe food Version: 1.0.12 Last modified: Wed Nov 25 2020 04:36:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time) What does eurobarometer mean?